Achrafieh X
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$ 15,000
$ 20,000
$ 25,000
$ 30,000
$ 35,000
$ 40,000
$ 50,000
$ 60,000
$ 80,000
$ 100,000
Properties For Rent in Lebanon
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Searching Apartments for Rent in Achrafieh with NIIAR

Looking for an apartment in Achrafieh to rent is easy with NIIAR. Browse among many available properties and sort them by price or size to find an apartment that matches your search criteria. Those who have to attend their office in Beirut for work on daily basis, find it easier to go for an apartment for rent in Achrafieh which is more affordable than an apartment in Clemenceau or Downtown for example. In general Apartments for Sale in Beirut are highly demanded but the rental option is being more suitable and applicable especially for someone who is considering temporary residency in Beirut.

Benefits of Renting Apartments in Achrafieh

Achrafieh is one of Beirut's oldest and most charming districts! It consists of a great number of restaurants, coffee shops and nightclubs in addition to an important commercial venue besides the combination of luxurious apartment buildings with renovated traditional houses which makes it an ideal living area within the city.
Apartments for Rent in Achrafieh
Achrafieh includes many well-known educational facilities whether schools or universities and Sagesse school is a great example. Medical clinics and hospitals in Achrafieh are also ones of the best in Lebanon and who havenā€™t heard of HĆ“tel Dieu de France for example. When it comes to shopping venues ABC Achrafieh is the most famous in the area nor to mention the variety of companies operating their day to day business through their Offices in Achrafieh as one of the prime prestigious areas in the city.
Apartments for Rent in Achrafieh
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