Beirut X
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$ 400,000
$ 600,000
$ 800,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,200,000
$ 1,500,000
$ 1,800,000
$ 2,100,000
$ 2,500,000
$ 3,000,000
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Properties For Sale in Lebanon
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Find Apartments for Sale in Beirut with NIIAR

On NIIAR you are one click away from all the available listed apartments for sale in Beirut; click the Buy category and choose ā€œapartments in Beirutā€ and if you have a specific area in mind just type the location in the search field and choose apartments from the property type menu and here you go. Make sure you browse and compare relevant apartmentsā€™ prices, sizes, specifications, amenities and above all the high quality photo gallery on each apartment page, and once you find your suitable apartment, send an enquiry or call NIIAR to assist you with further details and arrange a site visit.
Apartmentsprices in Downtown range from USD 1,000,000 for a 200sqm apartment up to USD 15,000,000 for a 1350 sqm apartment with 6 bedrooms. While in Ashrafieh for example one can find a 3 bedrooms, 185 sqm apartment for USD 500,000, and moving to apartments for sale in Hamra prices are starting USD 600,000 for a 108 sqm 2 bedroomsā€™ apartment.

Why people are looking for Apartments for Sale in Beirut?

The Lebanese capital is the place to be! No wonder why many Lebanese, expats even foreigners are looking up apartments for sale in Beirut; A blend of cultures, a diversity of lifestyles, an economic engine and entertainment hub.
Apartments for Sale in Beirut
Despite all the odds Beirut is a great option of living for its highly cosmopolitan society, and those who are searching apartments for sale in Beirut demand offerings that match their standards which combine the Middle Eastern and European styles.

Beirut Central District, Downtown, Achrafieh and Verdun are popular for upscale living and variety of fancy accessible facilities especially when it comes to the most delicious and famous restaurants in Lebanon, nor to mention the abundance of market offerings in Hamra, Ain Mreisseh, and Gemmayzeh.
Long Story short, it is favorable to buy or rent apartments in Beirut because when living anywhere there you are close to anything you might need, Rafic Hariri International Airport is 10 minutes away and in no time you can access facilities like schools, hospitals and universities such as American University of Beirut.
Apartments for Sale in Beirut
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