Baabda X
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Price (USD)
Min Price
$ 400,000
$ 600,000
$ 800,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,200,000
$ 1,500,000
$ 1,800,000
$ 2,100,000
$ 2,500,000
$ 3,000,000
Size (sqm)
Properties For Sale in Lebanon
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Apartments for sale in Baabda

Find Apartments for Sale in Baabda

Looking for an apartment in Baabda on NIIAR website, requires typing the area in which you are willing to live, then choosing the property type, price and size of the property before you carry on your search.
It is easier for you to find multiple of choices that meet your search criteria all in one place allowing you to review and compare spaces, prices, specifications and amenities offered by each property.
All the listed Apartments for Sale in Baabda include a high quality image gallery that allows you to sense the interior and exterior look and feel of the apartment that matches your requirements before sending an inquiry or calling us at NIIAR to arrange your visit and take things forward.

Apartments for Sale in Baabda

Why people are looking for Apartments for Sale in Baabda?

When it comes to living in the capital of Mount Lebanon, youā€™ve got a variety of Apartments for Sale in Baabda region which offers the double privilege of comfortable and quality living environment; facilities accessibility, quiet neighborhoods and being few minutes away from Beirut, especially that Baabda apartments that more affordable than apartments for sale in Beirut.

Price range in Baabda?

Apartments for sale in Baabda are spread over Hazmieh, Yarzeh, Louaizeh and Jamhour. Price range varies from one area to another within Baabda region, but generally it can be starting $450,000 up to $3,000,000 and the sizes in sqm are between 120 and 1000 which reflects a variety of options for all kinds of home hunters to buy or rent in Baabda.
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