NIIAR puts you a click away from finding the right office for sale in Achrafieh, click our āBuyā section and choose Offices in Achrafieh to browse among a selection of the best catches in the desired area. Each listing has an album of pictures captured by NIIAR professional photographers and accompanied with the available amenities and facilities of each office so that you can compare easily between available units.
Anywhere is accessible from Achrafieh, it is the center of the city. Though it is one of the oldest areas of Beirut yet it maintained the ancient character blended with the modern classy lifestyle which makes it a desired area for work and living.
Plenty of facilities are available in Achrafieh; Restaurants, shopping center (ABC Achrafieh), Patisseries, schools (Sagesse school), universities, medical institutions (HĆ“telDieu de France) and on top of all many operating companies, local and international ones. All of the mentioned and much more represent a motive for business owners to look for office for sale in Achrafieh to run their business.